lilabeanLilabean: A Storybook about Simplicity for Grown-Up Girls

Accompany Lilabean on her journey to self-discovery, where she is FINALLY able to leave behind all the physical, mental, and emotional clutter that has been burying her alive. Easy to read, simple to understand, but life-changing in the complexity of its message. A VERY good use of your valuable time!

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Praise for Lilabean

“Lilabean is a delightful romp, a satiric yet incisive look at everywoman’s life. In this cluttered and time-pressured era of too much stuff and too many obligations, too many people have lost their way and themselves. Lilabean helps you get back on track.” – Wanda Urbanska, Simple Living Expert, Author & Host of “Simple Living with Wanda Urbanska.

“Lilabean is a beautifully-written book. It touched my heart, simply and directly. This book will appeal to any woman (or man) who has ever felt overwhelmed by life, who has ever felt lost on her life’s journey, who has ever wanted to simplify her life. [Kate Carpenter] has captured the true essense of simplicity.” – Linda Breen Pierce, Author of Choosing Simplicity: Real People Finding Peace and Contentment in a Complex World

“Lilabean is a truly enchanting story. It could apply to any of us, struggling to find ourselves among possessions and the struggle of day to day living. Learning to clear the clutter and find the true meaning of life is a great way to simplify and make life what we want it to be. Kudos for putting things into perspective! Hoarders beware.” – Joy O’Hare, author of Imagine That! and blogger at Living More Naturally

Excerpt from Lilabean

From her feelings of frustration
To the side effects of stress,
There were lots of major issues
That she needed to address.

But her life was still too busy,
And the days were still too short;
So admitting limitations
Was my buddy’s last resort.

It was difficult for Lila
Not to view this as defeat,
Even though her obligations
Were impossible to meet.

She had tried to measure up
To all the Superwoman hype,
And the modern definition
Of the female stereotype.

She’d adapted and adjusted
And performed, as if on cue –
Never stopping to consider
Other paths she might pursue.

She’d been “going with the program”
From the time that she was small –
Cause the fear of disapproval
Was her biggest fear of all.

Now my friend had finally come
To see the error of her ways:
She had measured her self-worth
In terms of other people’s praise.

She had put her whole self-image
Into other people’s hands;
She’d accepted their agendas,
And complied with their demands.

It was not a conscious choice, but
Here she was, to her surprise –
In an office, taking orders…
In an apron, baking pies.

But she couldn’t do what other
People wanted her to do,
And fulfill her own potential
As a human being, too.

If the girl had hidden talents,
They would never come to light
In a schedule aimed at pleasing people
Morning, noon, and night.

“It’s impossible,” said Lila,
“To be all that I can be –
When I’m making time for everything,
And everyone, but me.”

“So I’ll redefine my duties,
And eliminate a few…
But I can’t bring home a paycheck
And be Martha Stewart, too.”